AWS Serverless with Node and Lmbdas functions

May 20, 2019 • ☕️ 3 min read

Translated into: Português do Brasil

I was recently awarded an AWS Serverless Foundation Badge at, and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to start my blog.

For a long time, I have been thinking about to write a blog and try to share more about what I’m learning. The primary goal is to be giving back to the community.

And the internet is a fantastic place for this specific mission, so let’s share more!

The AWS Serverless Foundation was a series of sessions given by our DevOps team at

To be awarded in the final of this process, you should be able to build and deploy a complete application using the Serverless framework.

I was building this blog by the time ( Will create a blog post about it soon ) and was thinking about to create a React component that would display the total number of followers I have on Twitter and Instagram.

With that in mind, I thought it would be the perfect candidate for a serverless approach using Lambdas functions to fetch and scrape the data and serve it as an API endpoint so that my blog could consume it.

I started thinking about how my project would look like, and the following diagram can help me to represent it better:

Architeture Diagram

The Lambda is famous for being “low cost”, and you pay exclusively for the usage, without the need to be worried about an entire infra-structure online 24 by 7 (Paying for uptime).

And the best part is that you can run up to 1MI of times without a pay a penny, it is perfect for learning purposes such mine.

You can find more about the topic on the following link

You can find more about my project on my GitHub clicking here: my github

The project consists of two different Lambdas, the first one responsible for pulling the Facebook & Instagram feeds periodically to scrape the total number of likes, it’s using the Amazon CloudWatch to make it happen smoothly every 6 hours.

Lambda Overview

After this point, the Lambda functions save the data to the DynamoDB. The better part of it is that using Node.JS makes the process even more comfortable because it converts the object into a document store that would look like that.

Dynamo data example

You would have a Primary Key to identify your object, and you can have as many attributes as you would like, on my example, I created one to store the date and it does help me to sort by date, I have the Instagram and Twitter to store the follower numbers and the updated time to save what time it was created.

The first Lambda is fired every six hours, to scrape new data from my Instagram and Twitter, and the job can be done using a CloudWatch event using cron expressions.

cloud watch event

The last job is done by the second Lambda, which is responsible for query the data and parses it to JSON.

The config file would look like this:


service: robotscraper

    name: aws
    runtime: nodejs8.10
    region: eu-west-2
    iamRoleStatements: # permissions for all of your functions can be set here
        - Effect: Allow
          Action: # Gives permission to DynamoDB tables in a specific region
              - dynamodb:DescribeTable
              - dynamodb:Query
              - dynamodb:Scan
              - dynamodb:GetItem
              - dynamodb:PutItem
              - dynamodb:UpdateItem
              - dynamodb:DeleteItem
          Resource: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-2:*:*'

        handler: src/index.getLikes
            - http:
                  path: api/likes
                  method: get
                  cors: true
        handler: src/lib/scraper.taskRunner
            - http:
                  path: api/likes/update
                  method: get
                  cors: true
    - serverless-webpack
    - axios
    - cheerio
    - serverless-offline

    individually: true

        webpackConfig: ./webpack.config.js
        includeModules: true

resources: # CloudFormation template syntax
            Type: 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table'
            DeletionPolicy: Retain
                    - AttributeName: id
                      AttributeType: S
                    - AttributeName: date
                      AttributeType: S
                    - AttributeName: id
                      KeyType: HASH
                    - AttributeName: date
                      KeyType: RANGE
                    ReadCapacityUnits: 1
                    WriteCapacityUnits: 1
                TableName: 'likesapi'

As you can notice on the above config we have created an API endpoint and the event happens when you hit the “/API/links” endpoint with a get request.

"data": [
    "twitter": 250,
    "date": "12 - 05 - 2019",
    "instagram": 1036,
    "id": "12 - 05 - 20196:55:12",
    "updatedAt": "6:55:12"

This is very helpful for my use case, which consists of fetching this data from my blog app.

And the job is done!

It seems more complicated than is, and that is the bright side of the serverless framework, it helps you to quickly set up all this stuff and keep your focus on the code.

You can also install the Serverless-Offline package and run and test your Lambdas in Dev environment, which makes our life even more comfortable.

I have learned lots after this experience, and I could see the benefits of having a serverless application.

It has lots of benefits for the right use case, on my blog where I have it hosted on S3 bucket as static website generated using Gatsby it makes perfect sense to be using AWS Lambdas as I am using serverless technology.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and please let me know if you have any feedback.


Jean Rauwers